The power of a dream Sport and accessibility are the themes of the new event organized by Pianca and Fondazione Efesto
Paesaggi The Pianca outdoor collection catalogue is online
Inauguration of Palazzina Scirocco Pianca An example of building recovery that combines sustainability and valorization of the historical heritage on the island of San Servolo
« Un mondo che si muove » Four days dedicated to accessible tourism, centred around a host of testimonials and activities, around the Veneto region. Organized by Fondazione Efesto, of which Pianca is a founding partner, the event aims to raise awareness, promote and open up new possibilities focussed on inclusivity
FSC® Forest Week 2024 Pianca is participating in FSC® Forest Week 2024 to promote responsible forest resource management, demonstrating a concrete commitment to environmental sustainability.
Progetti di design 08 One catalogue containing new product ideas presented by Pianca at the recent Salone Internazionale del Mobile in Milan
FondazioneEfesto Pianca is a founding partner of Fondazione Efesto, a Venetian non profit organization with a European soul, passionately involved in the social sphere
Palù at the ADI Design Museum Temporary exhibition for the collection designed by Raffaella Mangiarotti
Space for discussion Pianca is hosting a cycle of talks about accessibility and inclusivity issues
PIANCA spa socio unico / Via dei Cappellari, 20, 31018 – Gaiarine, Treviso, Italy
p. iva IT 01682580269 - CF 00983830308
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