Conditions of use The website of the company PIANCA® S.p.A. (from here onward called the “website”, for brevity) is intended as a channel for online information supplied by PIANCA® S.p.A. By accessing this website, users are implicitly declaring that they understand and accept all the terms and conditions listed hereafter. If the said terms and conditions are not comprehensible, or if any users do not accept them, PIANCA® S.p.A. invites them to refrain from accessing the website, and from downloading any material. PIANCA® S.p.A. reserves the right to modify the content of the website and of the legal notes at any time and without prior warning. Limits to use All site contents, including but not limited to graphics, text, files, video, images and information contained therein, are protected according to law as regards copyright, patents, trademarks and intellectual property. Any products or companies named are trademarks of their owners, and may be protected by copyright or patents: consequently, they may be downloaded and used solely for personal and non-commercial use, i.e., use, modification, copying and resale of the same for profit or for any other purpose is forbidden. Limits of responsibility In no case can PIANCA® S.p.A. be held responsible for any damage deriving directly or indirectly from accessing the website, from the impossibility or incapacity to access it, or from the use of its contents. PIANCA® S.p.A. will make every effort to keep information on the website as up-to-date as possible, but it does not guarantee its accuracy or precision. PIANCA® S.p.A. is in no way responsible, and consequently offers no guarantee, for the information, data, references, companies and any inaccuracies, technical or otherwise, that may be found on and on In line with all of the above, PIANCA® S.p.A. declines all responsibility for direct or indirect damages of any type relating to use of the website and of the information contained therein. PIANCA® S.p.A. reserves the right to alter and/or delete any type of information, programme or section from the website at any time and without prior warning. Access to external websites via link PIANCA® S.p.A. assumes no responsibility for websites that can be accessed using links found within the website itself. PIANCA® S.p.A. has no control over the websites in question, and therefore declines all responsibility. Downloads any object, file, image, text, catalogue, video or PDF made available by PIANCA® S.p.A. for downloading is subject to the conditions set out by the company, and may be covered by copyright, particular rights of use and/or copy, or other conditions. Information received from PIANCA® S.p.A. Any data or information send by e-mail or through the website will not be considered confidential: therefore PIANCA® S.p.A. will not consider itself obliged to respect this material, and may presume the right to reproduce it, use it, disclose it, display it, transform it, use it as the basis for other derived work and distribute it to third parties, without limitation. PIANCA® S.p.A. will also be free to use all the ideas, concepts, know-how or technical knowledge contained in the said material, for any purpose, included but not limited to the development, production and marketing of products using the said material: anyone sending this material should ensure that it is publishable, relieving PIANCA® S.p.A. of any legal action from third parties in relation to the said material. Law and jurisdiction The application of the conditions of use is regulated by Italian substantive and procedural law. The court of Treviso is the sole competent court for any controversy in any way relating to the application and interpretation of these conditions. PIANCA® S.p.A. reserves the right, should it deem it necessary, to take legal proceedings before any court, in Italy or abroad, in order to protect its own interests and to ensure that its rights are upheld. PIANCA® is a registered trademark in Italy and abroad.
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