Pianca & Partners - Nuova piattaforma dedicata al mondo del contract
Pianca&Partners nuovo negozio dedicato al mondo contract

Pianca & Partners

A single reference directly serving architects, interior designers, developers, builders and investors. Synergy and collaboration are the key words of the Pianca & Partners project, founded on principles of flexibility and economies of scale.

Milano Design City 2020, the special event of the Fall Design Week, sees Milan once again documenting design, exploring design culture and talking about innovation.  To mark the occasion and in this climate of renewed physical and digital sharing, Pianca & Partners, a new 100% Made in Italy hub, specialising in end-to-end solutions for the contract sector, was inaugurated yesterday.
It was an evening dedicated to architects, industry professionals and builders, with all the project partners in attendance, proud to be part of and presenting it. There were also appearances by Fabio Calvi and Paolo Brambilla, the showroom creators, and Elena Caponi, who oversaw the showroom styling.

Pianca & Partners: inaugura a Milano il nuovo contract hub del Made in Italy
Flexibility, expertise, innovation, craftsmanship and technology: a new contract hub is opening in Milan, promoted by Pianca together with 25 other companies from the furniture and construction supply chain.
Pianca & Partners è pensato per architetti, interior designer, developers, costruttori e investitori, a cui offre prodotti e servizi di eccellenza, il saper fare del Made in Italy

How did the Pianca & Partners project come to be?
Aldo Pianca, President of Pianca and promoter of the initiative, brought together 25 Italian companies, leaders in the furniture and construction supply chain, all with a shared goal of creating a team and working together like individual cogs driving one single machine. It’s an innovative business model, geared towards a process of integrating real estate with interior design. It serves a wide spectrum of sectors, including residential, hospitality and nautical. It also offers a vast range of services, capable of establishing a complete operating system, which covers every phase of the entire project development process. A cohesive network of this kind, boosted by the experience of Pianca and the individual partners, translates into a single, solid, reliable reference point.

Furniture, interior doors, security doors, windows, wood panelling, wallpaper, lighting and office systems: Pianca & Partners offers a massive range of products to meet the most diverse contract project requirements.

« We chose to build a home in which to foster this dream, finding in the magnificent showroom space in Via Porta Tenaglia, in the heart of Brera, Milan, a point of departure, not arrival. » Aldo Pianca thus describes how the space inaugurated yesterday came to be chosen, a multifunctional space, representative of and open to the cultural influences of a city buzzing with creative energy.

Pianca & Partners offers customized consulting: constructed around the customer, each project is unique, combining the most suitable products and technical solutions for the individual case.

In a historic moment like this, marked by great dynamism and the coexistence of multiple needs and trends, Pianca & Partners offers a flexible, dynamic and customized development model, promoting quality, tradition, research, sustainability and intelligence.


Via Porta Tenaglia 7N3

20121 Milano

+39 02 91157703



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