Establishing a path of company growth based on all-encompassing values and sound ethics is a requirement in which Pianca is increasingly playing a key role and a requirement which has now found a perfect channel and outlet for this. Fortified by solid sharing of values, Pianca is a founding partner of Fondazione Efesto, a non profit organization passionately involved in the social sphere.
This commitment is principally manifested through art, culture, music and sports activities that promote a new humanism. Pianca wholeheartedly identifies with the Fondazione Efesto mission and welcomes, supports and promotes these initiatives.
The same values are already firmly established within the company, for example environmental and human sustainability. Accepting the uniqueness of individuals with challenges and encouraging cooperation with peers is already a major step that Pianca has been working on from within, so that it also reflects back widely onto the community.
To get more people involved and raise awareness, the company will be posting about activities organized with Fondazione Efesto on its channels, for example educating people about accessible tourism, supporting people with disabilities and humanitarian emergencies.
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