Energy sustainability - World Energy Day 2020 - Pianca
sostenibilità energetica. Avvalendosi della principale fonte di energia rinnovabile presente sul pianeta, Pianca utilizza un impianto fotovoltaico per autoprodurre energia elettrica e coprire interamente il proprio fabbisogno energetico.

Energy sustainability

World Energy Day turns the spotlight on the importance of energy sustainability and emphasises the responsibility we have towards future generations. Pianca believes in renewable energy sources and is pursuing a sustainable development model. In the last ten years it has become totally energy self-sufficient, installing a huge photovoltaic system to generate its own electricity.

World Energy Day is celebrated on 22nd October every year to raise awareness of energy issues among individuals and communities all over the world.
« How we generate and use energy are essential factors that affect the health of the natural environment, on which the destiny of all humanity depends. So, we are being called upon to create a world in which every human being living on the Earth can use abundant energy in perfect balance with nature. » With this introduction, the heads of state gathered at the 2012 World Energy Forum proclaimed World Energy Day.

photovoltaic plant pianca

Pianca believes it is necessary to help reduce the environmental impact of energy and polluting emissions deriving from the use of fossil fuels. Aiming for energy sustainability, it invested 3.6 million Euros in installing a photovoltaic system which manages to cover its entire energy demand. Since June 2011 it has installed an incredible 4,347 panels, covering an area of 7,250 sq.m, capable of producing a power of 11 MWp, exploiting the main source of renewable energy on the planet, the Sun.

Adottare energie rinnovabili significa sfruttare fonti inesauribili, senza impoverire l’ambiente o minarne gli equilibri

Switching to renewable energy means exploiting limitless resources, without depleting the environment or undermining its balances. So that means actively promoting sustainable development, which will not compromise conditions on the Earth, for the good of current and future generations. Over the last 10 years or so, Pianca has produced almost 11,000 MWh of clean energy, thus preventing release of 6,327 tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere (taking 0.596 kg/kWh as the emission factor), and saving the equivalent of 1,985 tons of crude oil.
Pianca has also made an ecological choice in opting for electric cars, implemented by increasing its fleet of electric vehicles and setting up special charging stations.

macchine elettriche per la mobilità Pianca

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