erneuerbarer Energien. Unser Engagement für die Umweltbelastung

It’s time for a new time

We believe in humanity, intelligence, talent and technique. This is why
we have faith in the future. This is why we work every day to craft it in
the shape of our dreams

We believe in a world where city and countryside, nature and development are not
opposites or alternatives, but travelling companions on a single voyage. We work
to turn our business into the opportunity to mend the relationship between
humans and the environment.

From processing materials to production and packaging, and the use of
environmentally friendly finishes and renewable energy generation systems,
Pianca positions itself at the frontier of sustainable industrial policy.

Our Commitment

Raw materials

The tradition that binds us to the culture of wood grows stronger every day in the selection of the finest raw materials: wood sourced from certified forests with controlled logging to combat deforestation, and panels with no toxic adhesives.

We committed a long time ago to treading a course towards respect and conscious use of natural resources, and being able to check the origins of our raw materials and traceability throughout the entire production process. This is why we received FSC® Chain of Custody certification.

We choose only sustainable leathers for our products, created with a firm focus on the environment. The leathers that cover our furniture are produced without heavy metals, within a short production chain that
reuses waste as much as possible.


Pianca azienda certificata FSC, il marchio della gestione forestale responsabile azienda sostenibile
Energia rinnovabile

New energy, 100% renewable

2011 was the year we went over to solar power. We installed a large-scale photovoltaic system consisting of
4,437 panels that generate a power output of 11 MWp and capable of annual electricity generation for an
overall capacity of more than 1 GW (1,150,000 kWh). We reuse processing waste to produce heat energy,
reaching the essential target of using 100% renewable energy.


Sostenibilità e rispetto del pianeta

Our hands

We have been furniture makers for 14 generations. We have preserved and handed down the art of woodworking as time has unfolded. Attention to detail, passion for the material, respect for the forests and
gratitude for the biodiversity that nature bestows on us.

We believe in innovation. This is why we use the most advanced work tools: our hands. It has always been our way to avoid wasteful gestures, to show respect for people and things alike. Nature teaches us to be
efficient. It is a story of proximity, of all-Italian expertise.

utilizzo di vernici ad acqua per il rispetto dell'ambiente e del personale

The production process

We constantly strive to improve manufacturing performance, reduce and optimise consumption, minimise
waste and limit staff exposure to risk in the workplace as far as possible. We have been operating Just In
Time production since 1988, coordinating resources and times according to market demand.

In 2005, we were one of the first companies in Italy to completely overhaul our paint systems to establish an
industrial protocol that requires exclusive use of environmentally friendly water-based paints and varnishes
that significantly reduce polluting solvent emission into the atmosphere.

It was the first step in a wider vision that a few years later saw another important step forward: adoption of
environmentally friendly packaging conforming to the European standard, produced with 100% recycled
materials and itself fully recyclable, and an electronic object-scanning system for maximum reduction in

Sostenibilità e rispetto del pianeta

Focussing on people

Respecting the planet means respecting people. The well-being of our staff is our primary social and
ethical responsibility. It must be guaranteed every day.
We believe in the importance of providing a suitable workspace, giving all our staff the same
opportunities, contributing to the development of professional skills and abilities for each individual.

Making time for time itself

We design, engineer, and manufacture furniture: crafted to withstand the test of time, to accompany people through generations.

Time is the best judge of how sustainable a piece of furniture is. We are in no hurry because we do not like to waste time. We combine efficiency and product customisation, to ensure harmony in everything we do.

Un nuovo significa to di futuro

Siamo convinti che la sostenibilità non sia un traguardo da raggiungere, ma un percorso da intraprendere. Siamo impegnati in una costante ricerca di nuovi materiali, processi e tecnologie, per preservare il territorio e ridurre la nostra impronta ambientale.
Per essere Green non solo a parole, ma anche nei fatti. Per raggiungere traguardi sempre più importanti, risultati sempre più sostenibili.

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