ADI Design Index 2018 - PIANCA
adi design index 2019 il tavolo maestro disegnato da Emilio Nanni per Pianca

ADI Design Index 2018

Pianca captures the experts at the ADI observatory and for the first time appears on the ADI DESIGN Index, being distinguished for qualtiy and originality. This important award has been given to the table Maestro, achieved from the cooperation between Pianca and the architect and designer Emilio Nanni.

The project was a challenge: starting from a geometrical shape and developped into a stunning table based on a structural stability and an aesthetic value. Pianca won the challenge. Maestro table represents elegantly balance and the intersection of various materials which highly increases the value of it’s features.
Pianca is always aimed to give quality by a constant research, and this acknowledgment is the confirmation of an excellent development in the design world. As a consequence to this award, Pianca is honoured to participate to the next Compasso d’Oro.

il tavolo maestro viene menzionato da adi design index 2019 tavolo disegnato da Emilio Nanni per Pianca

Besides the prestigious publication a couple of days ago in ADI Design Index 2018, the Maestro table will also be part of the exhibition project organized by Associazione per il Disegno Industriale. The exhibition will be in the Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci in Milan until October 21st, and will then move to Rome, in the Casa dell’Architettura from November 20th to December 5th.

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