Fondazione Efesto - PIANCA

Pianca is a founding partner of Fondazione Efesto, a Venetian non profit organization with a European soul, passionately involved in the social sphere.

Fondazione Efesto aims to construct a truly inclusive culture, principally through activities in the spheres of the arts, culture, music and sport as promoters of a new humanism, based on a contemporary standard of equality and mutual respect.
Pianca wholeheartedly believes in the mission of Fondazione Efesto and is firmly committed to understanding, supporting and promoting these initiatives.
Pianca has long been dedicated to establishing a path of company growth incorporating all-encompassing values and sound ethics, a need fulfilled today through Fondazione Efesto, which offers the perfect channel and outlet for this.

The shared values include environmental and human sustainability. Choosing sustainable partners, creating synergies with companies that adhere to the same principles, is proof of the coherent, consistent approach that can and must be reinforced also on a social and human level.

Cooperation between individuals must be encouraged and reinforced in every environment, including the workplace, where it is important to view personal challenges as unique characteristics, and not as differences, to foster inclusion from within which then reflects back onto the community.

Pianca is also working with Fondazione Efesto to cultivate awareness and commitment to this issue.

See all of the Fondazione projects

News ed Eventi


FondazioneEfesto Pianca è Socio Fondatore, valori condivisi, obiettivi condivisi

Luoghi di confronto

Luoghi di confronto Pianca ospita un ciclo di talk sui temi dell’accessibilità e dell’inclusività

L’arte entra in azienda

L’arte entra in azienda La sede Pianca di Gaiarine ospita la mostra fotografica di Reed Young, a sostegno della cultura inclusiva

Luoghi di confronto

Luoghi di confronto Pianca ospita un ciclo di talk sui temi dell’accessibilità e dell’inclusività

L’arte entra in azienda

L’arte entra in azienda La sede Pianca di Gaiarine ospita la mostra fotografica di Reed Young, a sostegno della cultura inclusiva

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