ADI Design Index 2022 - PIANCA
comodino di design moderno e panca in legno con cassetto in cuoio design Raffaella Mangiarotti per Pianca viene selezionato all'Adi design Index 2022

ADI Design Index

The Palù bedside table by Raffaella Mangiarotti was selected for the ADI Design Index, which picks the best Italian design products. It identifies the most original, distinctive designs that will compete for the ADI Compasso d’Oro award

Palù, a bedside table with a soft, appealing shape, designed by Raffaella Mangiarotti for Pianca, was selected for inclusion in the ADI Design Index. Featuring in the yearbook, which picks out the best Italian design products, is an essential requirement for taking part in the ADI Compasso d’Oro. The designs selected to feature in the ADI Design Index were presented on 14th November 2022 at the ADI Design Museum in Milan, the dynamic setting which showcases the history of Italian design in all of its various industrial, economic, cultural and social aspects.

comodino rotondo moderno in legno con cassetto girevole in cuoio arancione o marrone design Raffaella Mangiarotti compete per il compasso d'oro 2023

Palù night table designed by Raffaella Mangiarotti

Every year, the permanent monitoring unit of ADI (the Italian Design Association) picks the most original and distinctive designs. The association then presents them in a yearbook, dedicated web site and a series of exhibitions. The selection covers products and systems in every goods category, theoretical and critical studies of process and enterprise and outstanding innovation in functions and types of social services and programmes and in the manufacturing processes adopted, materials used, design, environmental sustainability, and public and social value.

Palù has a slender design with a cylindrical volume defined by a rhythmic series of vertical wooden rods that recall bamboo canes. This small-scale architectural piece has a profound harmony to it, created via the linear array of solids and open spaces.

“I always think about how objects will be used”, explains the designer Raffaella Mangiarotti, whose work focusses more deeply on sensory aesthetics than simple style. “I’m not looking for the surprise effect that an unusual form can create. I focus on the relationship established between object and user, which has to be immediate and intuitive.”

From 14 to 27 November 2022
ADI Design Museum
Piazza Compasso d’Oro, 1
20154 Milan, Italy

From 13 to 18 Dicember 2022
Istituto Treccani di Roma
Piazza della Enciclopedia Italiana, 4
00186 Rome, Italy

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