Since the news of the first case of Covid-19 in Italy, we all have the impression a lot more time has passed. Everything that is now happening in the world makes us realise the historical moment we are living is out of the ordinary in many ways and the Covid-19 emergency is making us go through something we would have never wanted to experience.
Pianca is made of people sharing values and common aims and we all showed a sense of cohesion in facing the emergency, interrupting production and deliveries/loadings on 16th of March, when the restrictions in place were not so strict yet, taking a responsible and forward-looking approach.
Since then we are closed but we are still active through home working in all our departments: administration, export, our social media channels to stay in touch with our online community and our technical department that is still working to offer you new products and ideas.
We stay at home but we trust this will only be but a memory very soon.
We wish to see our beautiful country get back on its feet and shine again.
Together we will get over this moment.
PIANCA spa socio unico / Via dei Cappellari, 20, 31018 – Gaiarine, Treviso, Italy
p. iva IT 01682580269 - CF 00983830308
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