Antonia Pianca al 5° Design Summit Pambianco, Milano

FSC® award furniture

Pianca will take part to the 1st edition of FSC® Italia Award Furniture, a contest which aims to award the companies that stand out in the Made in Italy furniture manufacture

Pianca, which is an FSC® certified company, is proud to be part of this event.

Wood has always been a very important resource, with a prominent role in the present production, but it is also the witness of the century-old craftsmanship of Pianca’s family.

Artisans expert in the art of cabinet making have passed on, generation after generation, their love for this beautiful, natural and strong material, and it is that love that pushed Pianca to choose wood sourced ecologically. In 2017 the company received the FSC® certification, because it produces and commercialises products manufactured using wood coming from responsibly managed forests, according to the strict economic, social and environmental standards of the FOREST STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL®.

The role of forests is of vital importance for our planet, not only because they regulate climate and the water cycle, but also because they sustain billions of people and host about a million animal species. Supporting a sustainable forest management should be a common aim for everyone.

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