Enrico Pianca was born. His father taught him everything about wood. He learnt how to recognise its age simply by smelling it.
Enrico and Giambattista, cousin-brothers, emigrated to Venezuela. Whilst there, they founded a company that produced wooden footwear moulds.
In Venezuela, Giambattista produced the urn of the constitution which was commissioned by Marcos Pérez Jimenez. Enrico returned to Italy.
Pianca went from being an artisan workshop to an industrial company. Bedrooms and living rooms started being produced.
Due to its awareness of the role design plays in furniture, Pianca participated in the first Salone del Mobile (Furniture Fair): the company has not missed a fair ever since.
Giambattista returned to Italy from Venezuela. He became the company’s “workshop master” and led a group of young cabinet makers.
The introduction of chipboard, an industry-first, made furniture become a truly accessible product.
The company began just-in-time manufacturing. Modularity and customisation became the product strengths.
Upholstered items were featured in the Pianca catalogue.
The People Programme, the first with a folding system was introduced.
The first water-based paints are introduced
for employee health and to reduce pollution in the home.
Pianca celebrated 50 years of non-stop participation at the Salone del Mobile.
Amazon visited Pianca to study its innovative packaging: the use of cardboard, plastic and polystyrene was reduced by 95%.
Pianca gets FSC® Chain of Custody certification,
which guarantees wood is sourced only
from forests with controlled logging.
The first single brand store opens in Malta.
Pianca & Partners The Contract Hub opens in Milan.
A new interlocutor for the world of design for the
residential, hotel, nautical and property development sectors.
Palazzo Pianca opens in Venice.
A hotel used as a Research Hub which
explores the meaning of hospitality.
Provides all staff with insulated drinking bottles and free water dispensers.
Production staff are all given organic cotton work shirts.
Electric vehicle charging stations are installed for use by staff and visitors.
A new factory opens in Roverbasso.
9.000 sq.m where high-tech machinery, equipment
and systems make semi-finished wood products.
Pianca celebrates 60 years of uninterrupted annual attendance of Salone del Mobile.
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PIANCA spa socio unico
Via dei Cappellari, 20, 31018 – Gaiarine, Treviso, Italy
p. iva IT 01682580269 - CF 00983830308
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