Stories of lives, opportunities and inclusivity were the focus of the «The power of a dream» event, organized by Pianca and Fondazione Efesto, together with Panathlon International Club of Oderzo. The evening was held at the company headquarters in Gaiarine and unfolded in three sections. During the opening section, there was a moment for discussion and personal accounts, an engaging exploration of the difficulty of getting access to a sport like dance for people with disabilities. In particular, Francesca Battista told her story, a tale of grit and determination, to make her dream come true.
Francesca Battista’s testimony during the talk «The power of a dream»
Following that, guests enjoyed an integrated dance show, a precious occasion to discover a little-known scene, which comprehensively explores the concept of liberty and creativity. In this discipline, in fact, the choreographies are based on particular dynamics of movement, possible only with a wheelchair. Dancing together, artists with and without disabilities have the opportunity of creating unique synergies, demonstrating that limits can become resources and opportunities, changing the key to understanding the issue.
Integrated Dance Performance
The event concluded with an award ceremony for Paralympic excellence with exceptional guests participating: Martina Villanova and Beatrice Capitanio, Paralympic athletes in the field of swimming and ping pong, and Lorenzo Pradel, Italian boccia champion at the recent 2024 Paralympic Games.
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