The desire to travel, explore places, admire landscapes, enjoy leisure activities and socialize is a human desire.
It’s a desire that most people have and yet it is divisive, because not everyone gets the same opportunities to fulfill that desire. Promoting and supporting accessible tourism means looking at life in a new way that regards disability not as an extraordinary condition relating to the individual, but as something that touches and is a part of everyone’s life. Pianca voices its support for this mindset through a range of initiatives organized by Fondazione Efesto, a non profit organization of which Pianca is a founding partner.
Departure for Alpago, Piazza Duomo Belluno
Accessible visit to the Conte di Collalto cellars, Susegana
Planting of the tree as evidence of the passage of the inclusive experience
Meeting with the authorities of Mogliano Veneto at the Parco della Cultura
Auditorium of Santa Caterina Treviso
Visit to the island of S. Giorgio Maggiore and accessible visit to Homo Faber 2024
Touring with four key events in the Veneto region, «Un mondo che si muove» was a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate what transforming accessible tourism from a concept on paper into real action means, showing it in various contexts and understanding that it is a form of tourism open to ALL.
From 26th to 29th September the itinerary visited 8 municipalities, including communities in the Belluno Dolomites, Marca Trevigiana and Venetian Lagoon areas. The event was represented by a series of important testimonials and associations, part of a comprehensive programme of activities showcasing some of the most attractive parts of the Triveneto area. Organizers and participants became ambassadors for a way of life centred around welcoming, sharing and participation with a total focus on inclusion.
The project was closely coordinated with the Italian Paralympic Committee, Regione Veneto, Fondazione Telethon, the Italian Red Cross Belluno Committee and the Triveneta Guide Dogs School.
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