Enviromental sustainability in order to being green in all deeds

It’s time for a new time

We design, create and manufacture furniture and decor items. Designed to live through times, so that they endure over time. To accompany people’s lives through generations. We like to think of design as a material landscape charged with our emotions. This is why we take great care in choosing raw materials.

We respect the environment by always seeking the correct measure, avoiding waste, opting for endurance rather than immediacy, selecting natural over artificial. Having respect for our planet means having respect for ourselves, our staff, our customers and our home.

Sostenibilità e rispetto del pianeta

Our hands

We have been furniture makers for 14 generations. We have preserved and handed down the art of woodworking as time has unfolded. Attention to detail, passion for the material, respect for the forests and gratitude for the biodiversity that nature bestows on us.

We believe in innovation. This is why we use the most advanced work tools: our hands. It has always been our way to avoid wasteful gestures, to show respect for people and things alike. Nature teaches us to be efficient. It is a story of proximity, of all-Italian expertise.

Sostenibilità e rispetto del pianeta per pianca

Making time for time itself

Time is the best judge of how sustainable a piece of furniture is. We are in no hurry because we do not like to waste time. We combine efficiency and product customisation, to ensure harmony in everything we do. We have been manufacturing Just in Time since 1988, minimising waste, storage, stockpiles and overstocks. We have been designing furniture that is made to last, ever since we started.

Sostenibilità e rispetto del pianeta

Focussing on people

Respecting the planet means respecting people. The well-being of our staff is our primary social and ethical responsibility. It must be guaranteed every day. 

We believe in the importance of providing a suitable workspace, giving all our staff the same opportunities, contributing to the development of professional skills and abilities for each individual.

A new meaning for the futur

We are convinced that sustainability is not a goal to be reached, but a path to be followed. We are committed to constantly researching new materials, processes and technologies to safeguard our territory and reduce our environmental footprint. Being green is all about deeds, not just words. To keep achieving greater goals and more sustainable results. 

Sostenibilità e rispetto del pianeta

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PIANCA spa socio unico
Via dei Cappellari, 20, 31018 – Gaiarine, Treviso, Italy
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